10 Things Every Couple Must Know About Money for a Long and Happy Marriage

Money is the number one cause of fights in marriage. Follow these ten simple tips to make your marriage a long and prosperous one.

Have Family Meetings
Have them once a week to discuss your financial situation as a family.
Be Honest
Let your spouse know about all the debts and income you have. Build trust and work as a team.
Brainstorm Goals
Think about all your hopes and dreams. Think long-term and short term. Discuss your goals and possible goals with each other.
Make a Budget
Keep track of your expenses for a month or two. Then plan how you will spend money each month.
Use an Envelope System
Keep your money for any part of your budget in an envelope. When the envelop is empty, you have to stop spending on that item. Example: when your dining out envelope is empty, you can't go out to eat again until next month.
Set Up Three Accounts
Yours, mine, and ours. This way both of you have some discretionary spending all to yourself.
Don't Check Your Bank Account Every Day
Let your money grow. When you (sometimes) find you have more in the account than you thought, you have a tendency to spend it right away.
Divide Up the Financial Chores
Make it clear who takes care of each bill, who goes shopping for family needs, etc.
Keep Track of Mistakes
Make a list of the financial mistakes you've made in the past. Review the list often to avoid the same mistakes.
Congratulate Yourselves!
It's not easy to make and stick to a budget. Make sure you have some fun together and applaud yourselves as you get better with your money.

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