8 Unique Ways You Can Sound More Professional -- Instantly!

Want to sound more professional? These 8 unique tips make your writing and speech more professional. You'll sound smarter and more polished. You'll advance faster in your career.

Know When to Write or Say Me, Myself, or I
When you use one of these words at the wrong time, you sound uneducated and unprofessional.
Avoiding Adverbs
Adverbs do nothing but take away from the impact of what you're saying or writing. Use as few as possible.
Don't Say or Write "Amazing"
This overused word has lost it's impact. Don't use it -- it makes you sound cliche and unprofessional.
Don't Hedge With Word
Don't say or write "I think" or "in my opinion." Be direct. Be bold.
Use Simple and Detailed Sentences
Don't try to sound smart. Get information across quickly. Be specific.
Don't Apologize So Much
Many people habitually say sorry for every little thing. It's a bad habit that makes you look like an amateur.
Start and End Emails Compellingly
Grab attention with bold subject lines. Say something unique for each person you email.
Be Yourself
Don't try to sound smarter or more professional. People will see right through it. Speak and write as simply and directly as possible.

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