5 Simple Things to Do Now to Have More Money (and Fun!) When You Retire

Do you plan on retiring someday? Want to have as much money (and fun!) as possible when you retire? If so, you'll want to start doing these five simple things right now.

Get Rid of Your Debt
You don't want to wind up paying credit cards bills when you retire. Take steps right now to get rid of your debt.
Get Your Housing Finances in Order
Try to have the lowest mortgage payment you can before you retire. Consider downsizing into a smaller home.
Have an Emergency Fund
Make sure you set aside money every month for unexpected events. You never know when you might have health issues or get in an accident.
Increase Your Retirement Savings
Spending less now gives you more money later. Plan ahead. Retirement costs more than you think.
Make a Budget
Make a budget and do a trial run. Make sure you set aside money for the last 20-30 years of your life.

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