Buying a Home? Here are 8 Hidden Expenses You're Probably Not Aware of

Buying a home can cost more than you think. Here are 8 hidden expenses many people overlook. Learn what they are so you can prepare for them.

Changing the Locks
You don't want to leave the old locks on. You never know who the previous owner gave keys to.
Lawn Care
If your home has a lawn, you'll either need to buy a lawnmower or pay someone to cut the grass for you.
Have some money set aside in case they break down.
Cosmetic Upgrades
These might cost more than you think. An average bucket of paint can cost 15 to 35 dollars.
Many people underestimate how much furniture and decoration will cost.
Window Repairs
These can get surprisingly expensive!
Rising Taxes
Property tax hikes in the double digits (over 10%) are not uncommon. You're taxes will almost always go up if you stay in your home long enough.
Tree Trimming
Good looking trees can cost quite a bit to maintain.

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